I am a Machine Learning Engineer. I’m particularly interested in time series. I co-created sktime (now also forked into aeon), an open-source Python library that provides a unified framework for machine learning with time series.
I treat my website like a living document: most posts describe ideas on a particular topic which I grow and cultivate, like a digital garden. I also like the idea of link blog, sharing interesting links with commentary or examples.
I completed my PhD at UCL and The Alan Turing Institute. During my PhD, I worked on the design and implementation of sktime. Previously, I studied Philosophy & Economics at Bayreuth University, and worked on empirical economics, international trade and climate policy. Previously, I completed my undergraduate degree at Lancaster University.
I enjoy mentoring less-experienced developers, and have mentored for Google Summer of Code, Outreachy, Major League Hacking and Nuffield Research Placements.
I read on Goodreads. I like to listen to music on byte.fm and watch films on Mubi.